Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels
Tattoos are evergrowing in popularity as a way of modifying our bodies in our own unique and personal ways. Whenever people see my tattoos, I’m often asked what they mean. Aside from a few here and there, I always say ‘they don’t really mean anything – I just like how they look’. I have a beautiful tattoo representing my family but then have loads of random ones that just look cool. From lava lamps to plant pots, I’ve never really placed a lot of sentimental value on my tattoos.
That brings us to the question, do tattoos really need to have meanings? We spoke to some tattoo artists and tattoo collectors themselves to see what they think.
First, A Brief History of Tattoos
Tattoos are an age-old tradition and have been around since at least 3300 BCE, proven by the mummified body of Otzi the Iceman. Tattoos have been present ever since, found in various cultures and ages and gradually developed into a taboo during the 20th century. Whilst it’s still a taboo form of body modification now, we see more and more people with visible tattoos all around us. They are rising in popularity and if anything we’re now shocked when people don’t have them.

Speaking to Katie Marie, owner of Studio18, she says;
I don’t think tattoos have to have a deeper meaning at all. As tattoos become more people, the idea of ‘it has to have meaning, or you’ll regret it’ is shifting. Art in general is always open to interpretation… tattoos are no different. They’re an art form and they’re finally being recognised as such. There is beauty in letting things be as they are at face value… liking something and doing it because you want to is more than a good enough reason.
Katie Marie, Studio18

So, what do tattooed people think?
We asked them ourselves to find out what their opinions are and if they believe tattoos should have meanings or not.
The general consensus was that they do not need to have direct meanings, but perhaps that they all subliminally do have a meaning. Just because it doesn’t hold sentimental value, it doesn’t mean it’s meaningless. Perhaps it’s an aesthetic choice that holds value to us, rather than the meaning behind the piece itself.
For example, this tattoo I got of a cowboy hat has no deeper meaning behind it than it just being a cowboy hat. However, I got it because I thought it would look cool. It was an aesthetic decision that held meaning in that sense.

For some, tattoos are truly a part of our bodies and we want them to represent everything we are as a person –
My tattoos all have meaning because all of them are based on songs, when I listen to a song that deeply understands me, I picture how the tattoo would look and then share my vision with the artist who designs it. I like to think of them as different parts of me, so it’s important for me that they have meaning and show who I am.
Ivona Homi

Some said tattoos could be viewed as a collection of art we find pretty –
If you think of it in terms of art collection, your tattoos could just be a collection of your favourite artists’ work.
Cat Caie

Artists have been collecting pieces they find beautiful for years – why shouldn’t we do the same?
Some people say that the tattoo having meaning helps them get through the pain of getting tattooed
All of mine have meaning in some way or another. It helps me get through the uncomfortable parts.
Kay Frost
This is a great take on meaningul tattoos. Sometimes it can help us get through the pain of a tattoo, knowing that at the end we’ll be left with something really valuable to us.

I think even tattoos without meaning, still have some sort of sentiment. There was a time when you thought it would look good, was funny, part of an inside joke, etc. So, it doesn’t really need to have a deep meaning. We can look back when we’re older and reminisce.
Ethan roberts
Being able to look back and reminsce on why we got a tattoo will be a great experience as we get older. Whether or not it holds sentimental value, it still meant something to us at the time. I’ve got loads of tattoos that I don’t necessarily like anymore, but they mean something to me because I wanted it at the time.
It’s all personal meaning. I wouldn’t get something that doesn’t have a meaning, even if the meaning is just a form of art expression.
Chelsie Peters
It’s important to recognise within this discussion that our bodies are our own and we don’t owe anyone explanations on what our tattoos mean.
(Unless you’ve got a really offensive tattoo, then you have some explaining to do)
Our bodies are our own and whatever we choose to decorate them with is up to us. It’s the same as collecting decor for your home. Our bodies are our homes, whatever we choose to put on them is based on our personal taste – meaning or no meaning.

So, what’s the overall verdict? It’s hard to say. We’ve established that tattoos don’t really need to have a sentimental meaning anymore, but we can also recognise why people place value and importance on them having meanings. Today’s lesson is; it’s your body, get whatever you want tattooed on your body – as long as you’re not hurting anyone!
with love,
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