4 Ways To Be More Comfortable Spending Time By Yourself

Some of us absolutely love spending time alone and have no trouble being comfortable with that. But others? We may struggle with it. Whether you feel guilty, worried that you’re wasting time, not being social, etc., we can all really get in our heads about spending time alone. I’m here today to give you some tips on how to feel more comfortable spending time alone and to acknowledge that, in a healthy dose, it’s okay.

5 Best Apps To Organise Your Life in 2023

Life can feel chaotic a lot of the time. It’s hard to stay organised and feel like we’re on top of everything. It’s okay to not be in control of everything, but it’s nice to feel like we have a good hold on our lives. I’m often overwhelmed by things I need to do, particularly whilst I was at university. Today I’m sharing, what I think, to be some of the best organisation apps. Whether you want a digital to-do list or a cute calendar, I’m sure you’ll find something here to help (and better yet, they’re all free).