5 Ways to Spruce up Your Life Now for Spring 2023

Spring is almost here! And to celebrate I’m here to bring you 5 ways you can quickly spruce up your life this spring

Photo by Adonyi Gábor on Pexels

Spring is almost here! And to celebrate I’m here to bring you 5 ways you can quickly spruce up your life this spring. Spring is my all-time favourite season, it’s not as cold anymore but isn’t overwhelmingly hot just yet. It’s also my birthday season, what more could you want? Try these out if you’re ready to refresh your life this spring!

The Classic Spring Clean

image of someone spring cleaning

Spring cleaning is a term we all know. It’s where you give your space a complete clean from top to bottom, in every nook and cranny. It’s a brilliant way to refresh your space in time for Spring to reflect the fresh, light and sunny air we’ll start to see.

I personally love a deep clean every now and then, but it can feel overwhelming. Take it one step at a time, maybe try cleaning one room a day and take it from there. I love a checklist – there are some brilliant resources on Pinterest that break it down into small steps to make it easier.

Get Yourself Some Fresh Bed Sheets

image of spring bed sheets
Photo by Lum3n on Pexels

There’s nothing better than the feeling of new bed sheets. I recently bought new ones that are a lot lighter than what I had before and it can really brighten up a room! If you’re on a budget, try washing your bedding more often than usual for that fresh feel.

Fabric mist is also a brilliant way to quickly and easily freshen up your sheets, like this one by Febreze;

Start a New Hobby

image of someone playing electric guitar
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

Starting a new hobby is such a refreshing way to focus on yourself and start feeling more positive as we head into a new season. Is there something you’ve always wanted to try? Maybe there’s an instrument you’d like to pick up? Have you always wanted to learn how to draw? Hobbies are a brilliant way to practice personal growth and give yourself a confidence boost.

Get Rid of an Old Habit

image of someone holding a cigarette
Photo by Greta Hoffman on Pexels

I know this is easier said than done, but we all have bad habits. Whether they’re mental or physical, taking a second to acknowledge them can help you recognise where you could make changes. Smoking is often the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about bad habits. I myself quit a year ago and felt like I had a whole new lease of life. But bad habits can also include so many other things we don’t actively think are that bad for us. This Spring, try taking a lot at things that may be subconsciously taking a toll on you. Here’s some examples;

  • Reduce your screen time
  • Make sure you’re getting enough sleep
  • Try and stop negative self-talk
  • Work on your procrastination
  • Focus on the people that make you happy

Take More Time for Yourself

image of someone in a bathroom doing skincare
Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels

Often, we’re all so wrapped up in the world and everything around us that we forget to take a minute to think about ourselves. It’s not selfish to take care of yourself and to make some extra time just for you. I suppose the whole essence of a spring reset is all for you and your own benefit. Take the time to focus on yourself and your life this spring.

image of someone surrounded by spring blossoms
Photo by 三 点sky on Pexels

Sometimes a spring reset can feel similar to New Year’s Resolutions where we often feel pressured to succeed and do everything we set out to. Remember this Spring to not much too much pressure on yourself or feel like you need to do a complete refresh. These are just some small tips to help you feel new and improved this Spring, take it one step at a time:) What’s your favourite way to refresh in a new season? Will you try any of these? Let me know below!

with love,


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Hey, I'm Becky! I love writing about all things pop culture & lifestyle
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