5 Inspiring Self Love Accounts You Should Follow Right Now

landscape image of a couch against a wall, with the words self love written on the wall behind

Instagram is an incredibly platform that can truly alter your perception on life, considering you use it in the right way. Think about your Instagram feed, is it really full of things you want to see? Make an impactful change on your mental health by starting to follow people who bring you joy, who inspire you, who make you feel good about yourself.

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

Instagram is an incredible platform that can truly alter your perception on life, considering you use it in the right way. Recently, I’ve been really intentional about what accounts I follow and who I chose to engage with. When I was younger, my social media was constantly full of stuff that was impacting me negatively. When social media is something we use daily, it’s important for that space to be positive. Think about your Instagram feed, is it really full of things you want to see? Make an impactful change on your mental health by starting to follow people who bring you joy, who inspire you, who make you feel good about yourself. I’ll help you get started;

The Insecure Girls Club


A compilation of everything beautiful, positive and uplifting, with a little humour chucked in there.

Charlotte Emily


An inspiring self-love influencer, dedicated to sharing her journey to loving her life and her body.



An account I’ve followed for years, sharing daily inspiration, guides and ways to improve your perception of life

Megan Carole


An incredible influencer who shares inspiring content all about body confidence and loving your size

Breaking Taboo


An account educating their audience and changing the conversation on mental health, whilst sharing uplifting and positive content.

Are you feeling inspired?

It’s natural for our values and perceptions of ourselves to be influenced by what we choose to engage with everyday. Make this year intentional, engage with what you want to engage with. Take care of yourself and practice a little self love in your day to day life. Hopefully some of these accounts will help you start feeling inspired. Got a favourite self love account? Let me know below, I’d love to keep being inspired!

with love,


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Hey, I'm Becky! I love writing about all things pop culture & lifestyle
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