5 Easy Ways to Instantly Boost Your Creativity

Being creative is a beautiful gift, but it can often come with burnout, frustration and self-doubt. We’re here today to get you out of the creative slump you may be in and get your creative muscles working again. Try some of these quick tips to quickly boost your creativity.

Image by ZeeShutterz • Framing beauty with creativity from Pixabay

Being creative is a beautiful gift, but it can often come with burnout, frustration and self-doubt. Creativity isn’t always automatic – it’s like a muscle that needs to be worked on and challenged to develop. To be creative doesn’t just mean that you’re artsy. It’s universal in skills, hobbies and careers – we can all be creative.

We’re here today to get you out of the creative slump you may be in and get your creative muscles working again. Try some of these quick tips to quickly boost your creativity.

Optimize Your Workspace

image of desk set up for creativity
Image by LUM3N from Pixabay

Wherever it is that you do most of your work – optimize it! I do the majority of my blog writing at my desk, so I’m constantly working on ways to improve that space for my benefit. Here’s some things to try;

  • Put up a picture/mood board of people or things that inspire you
  • Keep it as organised as possible (tidy space, tidy mind!)
  • Have your favourite snacks/drinks nearby!
  • Give yourself as much space as possible – try not to feel too cramped and limited
  • Introduce some nature/life – add some plants to your space!
  • Make it YOU! – keep it personal and a true representation of you

Get Inspired by Fellow Creatives

image of two kids painting together
Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels

As creatives, there is a lot of value in researching what other people in our respective industries are doing right now. Even just watching other people be creative, or just doing what they love, motivates me to continue with my creative work.

I don’t mean that we should be directly coping a fellow creatives work, but that it is okay to gather information on what’s happening right now in your industry for inspiration. Did a photographer do a shoot you loved the look of? Draw inspiration from it and make it your own (extra points for crediting them for the inspo). There are some other blogs that I love and I looked to for inspiration when setting up this blog. It’s okay to get inspired, as long as it’s just inspiration!

Get out in Nature

woman walking in nature to inspire creativity
Photo by Sebastian Arie Voortman on Pexels

As cliché as it may be, being outside in nature is one of the best ways to refresh and free your mind. Nature helps to reduce your stress levels and gives you a minute to slow down. Taking that small break from your work allows you to come back feeling refreshed, inspired and also feeling good about exercise.

Today I was struggling to find the motivation to write this post (ironic, I know!), so I went on a long walk with my mum. As soon as I got home I was filled with a sudden energy boost, motivating me to get this done (and enjoy it!).

Separate Creativity and Downtime

image of person relaxing on sofa and reading a book
Photo by Lisa Fotios on Pexels

As creatives, it can be hard to find the line between work and the rest of our daily life. Something I’m actively trying to be better as it separating work and downtime. We can easily reach burnout at a much quicker rate if we’re continuously mixing our downtime with (creative) work. Having separate spaces, times, etc. for these two things will help you meet that perfect balance.

Be Inspired by Your Surroundings

image of someone looking at their surroundings to inspire creativity
Photo by Max Andrey on Pexels

When you find yourself in a rut, whether it’s creatively or in any other aspect, looking at your surroundings and environment can be so inspiring. This method is truly so simple. Are you a photographer looking for inspiration for your next shoot? Your key prop could be sat right next to you. Are you an artist feeling stuck about what to draw next? Do a simple sketch of whatever’s in front of you. Your next muse is right in front of you waiting for you to find it.


Next time you find yourself struggling to move forward creativity, think back to some of these methods and give them a go – see what happens! You never know, you might find the next best thing that helps to get your creative juices flowing.

with love,





Hey, I'm Becky! I love writing about all things pop culture & lifestyle
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