4 Ways to Unwind After Work

I don’t know about anyone else, but I often find it really hard to switch off after work and truly unwind after a shift. These are some things that I have slowly started to implement in my evenings when I get home that are starting to help

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

I don’t know about anyone else, but I often find it really hard to switch off after work and truly unwind after a shift. These are some things that I have slowly started to implement in my evenings when I get home that are starting to help

Engage in your favourite media

Photo by Nicolas J Leclercq on Unsplash

Whether it’s a Netflix show you’ve been binging, a funny Youtube video or a new podcast episode, taking the time to sit down and enjoy these things is completely okay! Sometimes we’re all a little worried about our screen time and feeling like we’re wasting time (I’m guilty of this too), but after a day’s work I think it’s normal to just want to enjoy some content.

I will often do this whilst engaging in other tips in this blog to perhaps make me feel a little more productive. For example, I may listen to a podcast on my walk home or I’ll watch a new episode of The Office whilst finishing a piece of art. What’s most important is that you are taking time for yourself and engaging in something you enjoy, which we all deserve after work!


Photo by Dane Wetton on Unsplash

I know what you’re thinking – exercise after a long day at work? I must be crazy. Trust me, I’m no exercise fanatic and nor do I really engage in intense exercising. One thing I try and do where possible is walk home from work, not only am I getting a bit of exercise in but I’m also giving myself that extra 10-20 minutes after work to process my day. By the time I’m home, any worries or issues that may be lingering are almost gone. I totally get with it being winter and it being dark by 4pm, walking home isn’t realistic for many people. Keep yourselves safe and maybe save this for the summer.

If I don’t walk home, I do try and get some exercise in throughout my evening. I don’t go to the gym or do intense cardio at home, but every now and then I’ll sit on my floor and do some yoga or very very simple exercises. You can find loads of beginners tutorials on Youtube. I normally only let this take up 15-20 minutes of my evening and realistically do it 2-3 times a week, but when I do I feel great. Maybe I’ll take my own advice and do this more regularly.


Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Everyone has their own hobbies, something you do in your free time that brings you joy. Mine include art, photography, jigsaw puzzles, and this blog! For others, you may enjoy playing guitar, gardening, going to the gym, reding, etc. Hobbies are such a great way to almost completely turn off the work side of your brain and zone out for a few hours. I like to just spend a little bit of time in my evenings on a hobby. More often than not, I’m sat doing a puzzle with a true crime Youtube video playing in the background. Occasionally, I’ll get out my easel and see what I can create.

I have found that having motivation for hobbies weirdly improves my productivity and engagement at work as well. Perhaps it’s this practice of being in the flow that has transpired into my workplace too. Whatever it is that you like to do, it’s important to make time for it. Even just one evening a week, take some time for what you love.

Self Care

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Self care can be such a generic term, but it really is dependent on what works for you. What relaxes you? What makes you feel calm? What puts you at ease? I must admit, I’m not the best at self care and often let other responsibilities or other things in this blog post get ahead of it.

Honestly, sometimes I’m not sure what self care means to me. In a way, perhaps self care is many of the things I’ve talked about above. Making time for what you love, allowing yourself to unwind and taking some time for yourself.

Here are some self care practices I do try and do after work to immediately put me at ease;

  • Change out of my uniform into comfy clothes
  • Have a cup of tea (or coffee if that’s your thing)
  • Light some candles in my room
  • Clean my room (tidy space, tidy mind)

Remember, you don’t need to cram all of these in to your afternoons/evenings. Just one or two everyday will help you relax and hopefully you start to feel like you can separate your work life and home life.

Do you have any tips for unwinding after work? Let me know below, I’d love to try them out!

with love,





Hey, I'm Becky! I love writing about all things pop culture & lifestyle
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