10 Thrifty Ways to Help the Planet

The challenges facing our planet can be overwhelming. Of course, the sustainability of our planet and the environment is heavily reliant on big companies changing how they operate. We know it may be a while til we see that day, so let’s start with us. It may feel like you can’t make that much difference as an individual, but if we all do our bit every now and then, we can push for better change. Try putting some of these tips into places in your daily, weekly or monthly lives.

The challenges facing our planet can be overwhelming. Of course, the sustainability of our planet and the environment is heavily reliant on big companies changing how they operate. We know it may be a while til we see that day, so let’s start with us. It may feel like you can’t make that much difference as an individual, but if we all do our bit every now and then, we can push for better change. Try putting some of these tips into places in your daily, weekly or monthly lives.

1. Thrift Your Clothes

Photo by Julia M Cameron on Pexels

Thrifting is a great way to find new clothes without endorsing fast fashion – plus, you get to support charities!

2. Reusable Bags

Photo by Greta Hoffman on Pexels

Reusable bags are an easy and fashionable way to help the planet, you can find some really cute tote bags these days.

Start a Compost Bin

Photo by SHVETS production on Pexels

Compost is a great way to dispose of food – from coffee grounds to fruit/vegetable scraps. Use the compost in your garden or find a local allotment that could make use of it.

Eat Plant-Based Once a Week

Photo by Ella Olsson on Pexels

By now, everyone knows that you can actually get really good vegan food. Try implementing a plant-based meal into your diet at least once a week. Whether you make it from scratch at home or get a takeaway – give it a try!

Reusable Water Bottle

Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels

These days most people already have reusable water bottles, so if you don’t have one – you’re missing out! Plastic water bottles produce so much unnecessary waste, plus you can cut down your spendings by investing in a reusable one!

Take Public Transport or Walk

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Take a look at where you drive frequently and see if you could use public transport or maybe walk instead! This one isn’t practical for a lot of people, so don’t worry if that’s the case for you!

Turn off Lights and Appliances

Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels

Electricity is a huge factor in saving our planet. When you’re not using something, remember to turn it off. From lightswitches to your kitchen appliances, flipping the switch not only makes a change for the environment but could also help you save on your energy bills!

Clear Out Your Email Subscriptions

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff on Pexels

We know what you’re thinking, ‘how do my emails even affect the planet?’. There’s some brilliant research into this and we encourage you to do some digging into the topic – start with this post here. Clear out subscriptions you don’t read anymore and reconsider any unnecessary emails you may be sending.

Use the Ecosia Search Engine

Photo from ecosia.org

We discovered Ecosia a few years ago and have been using it on Safari ever since. It’s a simple extension you can add to your browser, giving you a way to help out without having to make an extra effort. Check out Ecosia’s website for an in-depth explanation of how your everyday Google searches can help them out.

Keep Learning

Photo by Alena Koval on Pexels

One of the most important ways to help is to keep educating yourself and continue to research what’s really affecting our planet – and what we can do to help. Resources such as WWF, Natural History Museum and Friends of the Earth continuously update their websites with new information.

Photo by Lauris Rozentāls on Pexels

Remember, if we all do a little bit, it’s better than one person doing it all. We’re not expecting anyone to go fully vegan or use recyclable products for everything, but little changes over a mass group of people can make such a difference.

with love,





Hey, I'm Becky! I love writing about all things pop culture & lifestyle
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